Soar is holding an 7-week Official Bounty Program to reward its supporters with tokens between August 13, 2018 and September 30 , 2018(CST). 1,500,000 Soar Tokens will be allocated to the bounty program. ALL QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT US ONLY ON BOUNTY PROGRAM TELEGRAM GROUP.
*If the total number of stakes earned during campaign exceeds the cap, we will adjust your stakes based on the following formula:
Your final number of Soar Tokens =
(Bounty campaign pool / Total number of stakes everyone earned during the campaign) * Number of stakes you earned
*If not, 1 stake = 1 Soar Token (SKYM).
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General rules
***All bounty program announcements will be released on our Telegram Bounty Group. ***
- Soar is holding a 7-week Official Bounty Program from 8/13/2018 to 9/30/2018.
- To participate in any bounty campaigns you must join the official Soar Telegram group at:
- To join the bounty program, please visit our Telegram Bounty Group.Make sure you register in the google forms before you start to work.
- To participate in the bounty program, you must be at least 18 years old.
- Rewards for each campaign have max individual cap, no extra rewards will be processed beyonds the cap.
- We will check, review, and filter all registered information daily before each weekly review. Only one account will be allowed for each social media link, and any duplicates will be removed. For invalid links, we will make daily markups to the public Bounty Release Form. Please corrSKYM invalid link information and register again.
- If you are disqualified for any reason, you will NOT receive any bounty rewards.
- The Soar team reserves the rights to make any changes to the rules or terms of conditions, if deemed necessary.
- For technical support during the bounty campaign, please contact Krypital Bounty Telegram Group.
- All reward tokens will be allocated to your Tokeneed UID wallet within 8 weeks at end of the Soar Bounty Program.

[1 - Signature Campaign]
1. Signature, avatar and personal text( must be kept until the stakes have been calculated after the end of the campaign.
2. The signature codes and avatar can be found here:

World's 1st Fully Democratised SUPER-MAP Using Drone Content
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[url=][u] [b]S O A R . e a r t h[/b] [/u] / World's 1st Fully Democratised SUPER-MAP Using Drone Content /[/url]
[url=]For Drone Enthusiast: Marketplace ▪ SkySponsor ▪ SkyTasker ▪ SkyBounty[/url]
[url=]Whitepaper[/url] [url=]Techpaper[/url] [url=]Twitter[/url] [url=]⦗ [b]JOIN THE PRESALE[/b] ⦘[/url] [url=]Telegram[/url] [url=]Primer[/url] [url=]Live Demo[/url]
[url=]For Drone Enthusiast: Marketplace ▪ SkySponsor ▪ SkyTasker ▪ SkyBounty[/url]
[url=]Whitepaper[/url] [url=]Techpaper[/url] [url=]Twitter[/url] [url=]⦗ [b]JOIN THE PRESALE[/b] ⦘[/url] [url=]Telegram[/url] [url=]Primer[/url] [url=]Live Demo[/url]

[b][url=][color=#EDD822][u] [b][color=#000]S O A R . e a r t h[/b] [/u] [color=#EDD822]/ [color=#313C40]World's 1st Fully Democratised [color=#3399CC]SUPER-MAP [color=#313C40]Using Drone Content [color=#EDD822]/[/url]
[url=][color=#3399CC]For Drone Enthusiast: [color=#004250]Marketplace [color=#3399CC]▪ [color=#004250]SkySponsor [color=#3399CC]▪ [color=#004250]SkyTasker [color=#3399CC]▪ [color=#004250]SkyBounty[/url]
[url=][color=#313C40]Whitepaper[/url] [url=][color=#313C40]Techpaper[/url] [url=][color=#313C40]Twitter[/url] [url=][color=#004250]⦗ [b][color=#3399CC]JOIN THE PRESALE[/b] [color=#004250]⦘[/url] [url=][color=#313C40]Telegram[/url] [url=][color=#313C40]Primer[/url] [url=][color=#313C40]Live Demo[/url]
[url=][color=#3399CC]For Drone Enthusiast: [color=#004250]Marketplace [color=#3399CC]▪ [color=#004250]SkySponsor [color=#3399CC]▪ [color=#004250]SkyTasker [color=#3399CC]▪ [color=#004250]SkyBounty[/url]
[url=][color=#313C40]Whitepaper[/url] [url=][color=#313C40]Techpaper[/url] [url=][color=#313C40]Twitter[/url] [url=][color=#004250]⦗ [b][color=#3399CC]JOIN THE PRESALE[/b] [color=#004250]⦘[/url] [url=][color=#313C40]Telegram[/url] [url=][color=#313C40]Primer[/url] [url=][color=#313C40]Live Demo[/url]

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[size=15px] World's 1st Fully Democratised
[size=15px][b][color=#3399CC]SUPER-MAP[/b][size=13px] [color=#313C40]Using Drone Content[/td][td] [/td][td][size=30px][color=#EDD822]/[/td][td] [/td][td][url=][font=sans-serif][b][size=2px]
[size=12px][color=#313C40][u] FOR DRONE ENTHUSIAST [/u][/url]
[font=arial black][size=9px][b] ▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]PRIVATE SALE REGISTRATION[/url]
[color=#000] ▪ [color=#3399CC]PUBLIC SALE: Sep 29th 2018[/td][td] [/td][td][size=2px][tt][color=#00A2FF]
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[/td][td] [/td][td][font=sans-serif][b][size=2px]
[size=12px][url=][color=#313C40][u] JOIN THE PRESALE [/u][/url]
[font=arial black][size=9px][b][color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]WHITEPAPER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]PRIMER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]TELEGRAM[/url]
[color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]TECHPAPER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]TWITTER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]MEDIUM[/url][/td][td][/td][td][size=5px]
[size=20px][color=#313C40]Live Demo[/td][/tr][/table]
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[size=15px] World's 1st Fully Democratised
[size=15px][b][color=#3399CC]SUPER-MAP[/b][size=13px] [color=#313C40]Using Drone Content[/td][td] [/td][td][size=30px][color=#EDD822]/[/td][td] [/td][td][url=][font=sans-serif][b][size=2px]
[size=12px][color=#313C40][u] FOR DRONE ENTHUSIAST [/u][/url]
[font=arial black][size=9px][b] ▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]PRIVATE SALE REGISTRATION[/url]
[color=#000] ▪ [color=#3399CC]PUBLIC SALE: Sep 29th 2018[/td][td] [/td][td][size=2px][tt][color=#00A2FF]
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[/td][td] [/td][td][font=sans-serif][b][size=2px]
[size=12px][url=][color=#313C40][u] JOIN THE PRESALE [/u][/url]
[font=arial black][size=9px][b][color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]WHITEPAPER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]PRIMER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]TELEGRAM[/url]
[color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]TECHPAPER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]TWITTER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]MEDIUM[/url][/td][td][/td][td][size=5px]
[size=20px][color=#313C40]Live Demo[/td][/tr][/table]

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[size=15px] World's 1st Fully Democratised
[size=15px][glow=#313C40,2][color=transparent]..[color=#fff][b]SUPER-MAP[/b][size=13px] [color=#fff]Using Drone Content[color=transparent]..[/glow][/td][td][/td][td][size=30px][color=#EDD822]/[/td][td][/td][td][url=][font=sans-serif][b][size=2px]
[size=12px][glow=#313C40,2][color=transparent]...[color=#fff]FOR DRONE ENTHUSIAST[color=transparent]...[/glow][/url]
[font=arial black][size=9px][b] ▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]PRIVATE SALE REGISTRATION[/url]
[color=#000] ▪ [color=#3399CC]PUBLIC SALE: Sep 29th 2018[/td][td] [/td][td][size=2px][tt][color=#00A2FF]
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[/td][td] [/td][td][font=sans-serif][b][size=2px]
[size=12px][url=][glow=#313C40,2][color=transparent].............[color=#fff]JOIN THE PRESALE[color=transparent].............[/glow][/url]
[font=arial black][size=9px][b][color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]WHITEPAPER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]PRIMER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]TELEGRAM[/url]
[color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]TECHPAPER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]TWITTER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]MEDIUM[/url][/td][td][/td][td][size=5px]
[size=20px][glow=#313C40,2][color=transparent]..[color=#fff]Live Demo[color=transparent]..[/glow][/td][/tr][/table]
[color=#EDD822]▄ ▄
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[size=15px] World's 1st Fully Democratised
[size=15px][glow=#313C40,2][color=transparent]..[color=#fff][b]SUPER-MAP[/b][size=13px] [color=#fff]Using Drone Content[color=transparent]..[/glow][/td][td][/td][td][size=30px][color=#EDD822]/[/td][td][/td][td][url=][font=sans-serif][b][size=2px]
[size=12px][glow=#313C40,2][color=transparent]...[color=#fff]FOR DRONE ENTHUSIAST[color=transparent]...[/glow][/url]
[font=arial black][size=9px][b] ▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]PRIVATE SALE REGISTRATION[/url]
[color=#000] ▪ [color=#3399CC]PUBLIC SALE: Sep 29th 2018[/td][td] [/td][td][size=2px][tt][color=#00A2FF]
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[/td][td] [/td][td][font=sans-serif][b][size=2px]
[size=12px][url=][glow=#313C40,2][color=transparent].............[color=#fff]JOIN THE PRESALE[color=transparent].............[/glow][/url]
[font=arial black][size=9px][b][color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]WHITEPAPER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]PRIMER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]TELEGRAM[/url]
[color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]TECHPAPER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]TWITTER[/url] [color=#000]▪ [url=][color=#3399CC]MEDIUM[/url][/td][td][/td][td][size=5px]
[size=20px][glow=#313C40,2][color=transparent]..[color=#fff]Live Demo[color=transparent]..[/glow][/td][/tr][/table]
3. A minimum of 10 meaningful posts per week must be made during this period. Off-topic, spam and meaningless posts will not count.
4. Make more than 15 quality posts in a week will help you to earn 20% extra stakes.
5. Each post must contain at least 50 words and any replies be at least 20 words to be eligible.
NEWBIE | 20 | |
MEMBER | 150 | |
FULL MEMBER | 200 | |
HERO MEMBER | 400 | |
6. Accounts with negative trust ratings are not accepted.
7. Posts are qualified ONLY in the boards below:
- a. Bitcoin
- b. Economy
- c. Alternate cryptocurrencies
- d. Local
- All languages are welcome but please provide an English brief of the post for the Soar team to review.
FULL MEMBER | 100 | |
HERO MEMBER | 200 | |
We value high quality works, so we will DOUBLE the stakes for those TOP 5% participants, Let's GO!
[2 - Referral Campaign]
1. Participants that invite new Bitcointalk users to join our bounty program receive additional Stakes on the condition that the referred individual also contributes and earns STAKES.
2. For each Hero or Legendary Bitcointalk member referred, the referring participant will receive 500 stakes
3. Referee must write refer's Bitcointalk username in the form when applying.
4. Participants in the referral bounty will receive STAKES as indicated on the chart below:
2 - 4 | 200 | |
5 - 7 | 300 | |
8 OR MORE | 500 |
For example, if A invites B (Hero member) + C (Full member) + D (Junior member) to join our bounty program, A can get:
200 Stakes : Invite three (3) people to join.
500 Stakes : Invite a Hero or Legendary member to join.
700 Stakes in total
5. Please remind people you invite to fill in your Bitcointalk username in the form when applying.
Above all, your accumulated stakes will be displayed in the spreadsheet below.
We value high quality works, so we will DOUBLE the stakes for those TOP 5% participants, Let's GO!

[1 - Blog & Video Campaign]
Register here and follow Soar Medium
1. All content must be relevant to Soar and must be original.
2. Participants can NOT shorten your unique links, you must submit the original links.
3. Participants may use official Soar images, logos, graphics, and any other branding materials from our website.
4. You must attach these links under each videos/articles:
Soar Official Website:
Campaign Special Link:
Krypital Bounty Group:
Soar Telegram Group:
Krypital News:
5. Videos must be at least 5 minutes long. Articles must be at least 1000 words. Participants must have at least 100 organic followers and gather at least 50 views to be qualified for stakes (every content's views will be counted at the end of bounty program); for any platform that views are not available, we will count likes and comments as views).
6. The Topic of the Week will periodically change, and any changes will be promptly announced. Participants will only be rewarded when their content matches the topic of that week.
7. Blogging platforms like Medium, Steemit, Newbium, etc. are recommended.
8. Every participant in the Blog & Media campaign can post only 1 video and/or 1 article EVERY 2 WEEKS.
9. The article or description must also contain a link to your Bitcointalk profile in order to prove authorship.
10. No ETH address is allowed in the video or blog.
WEEK I - II TOPIC: General Introduction; Official Website Content
WEEK V - VI TOPIC:Upcoming
You will get stakes based on the quality of your videos/articles.
NORMAL | 100 | |
GOOD | 400 |
We will offer you extra bonus depending on numbers of views.
200 - 799 VIEWS | 100 | |
800 OR MORE VIEWS | 300 |
We value high quality works, so we will DOUBLE the stakes for those TOP 5% participants, Let's GO!
[2 - Translation Campaign]
1. 350 stakes reward for the translator and 250 stakes for proofreading of Soar Whitepaper & Bounty Instruction each.
2. 175 stakes reward for the translator and 125 stakes for proofreading Of Soar ANN Thread.
3. Participants need to register first, then check if they are assigned to start in Release Form. Our admin will leave task start confirmation notes to the selected participants base on translation demand.
4. The translated work should be submitted to within 3 days after the task start confirmation. People who fail to hand in their work 3 days after confirmed will miss the opportunity to translate and the the task will be moved to the next participant. Participants with relevant work experience or certificates are preferred.
5. Participants using Google translate and other translators are not allowed and will be instantly disqualified.
6. Only ONE translation will be accepted per participants. Applications for multiple languages will not be accepted.
7. Vietnamese,Russian and Korean are required. Other languages are welcome but may not be needed, only start your translation work after confirmation. We may have bonus stakes for participants to translate some excellent articles which are written by Blog bounty participants, please wait for more announcement.
Above all, the number of your Stakes will be displayed in this spreadsheet.

[1 - Reddit Posts Campaign]
1. Subscribe our Reddit Page: and finish the registration form.
2. Participants can pin at least one Soar relevant post on the top and update it every week. You must pin one Soar post at least or you will be disqualified. You will earn 100 stakes of each pin.
3. Participants need to have at least 5 original posts and 5 comments related to Soar per week to qualify.
4. Upvote at least 5 posts/comments in /r/Soar each week to earn additional 150 Stakes per week (you must make your votes public in user profile)
5. Make posts/comments about Soar in the relevant subreddits for the token contribution, for example: /r/ Soar /,r/herocoin, r/bitcoin, r/ethereum, r/ethtrader, r/icocrypto... We will count up to 20 posts each week.
6. Participants may use our official images, logos, graphics, and other branding materials from our website.
7. Each post must contains at least 100 characters and 20 comment words to be qualified.
8. All content must be original. Plagiarizing, copying, or translating existing content, including content published by Soar staff, is prohibited and will lead to disqualification.
9. Users will receive extra varying amounts of stakes according to the number of upvotes on your posts. We will count up to 7 highest upvoted posts.
3 - 5 UPVOTES | 10 | |
6 - 10 UPVOTES | 45 | |
21 - 40 UPVOTES | 65 | |
41 OR MORE UPVOTES | 100 |
The number of your Stakes is displayed in this spreadsheet.
We value high quality works, so we will DOUBLE the stakes for those TOP 5% participants, Let's GO!

[1 - Tele-Moderator Campaign]
We welcome everyone who would like to join our official telegram channel Krypital Bounty Program and contribute their effort. We will selSKYM the top 10 participants weekly based on their online activities and time in the group etc. Ranking will based on our team review and system tracking data.
1. Join the telegram group and
2. The stakes of Moderator is counted separately in two telegram groups.
3. Participants with less than 1% activity rate cannot receive stake. The activity rate is from the system tracking data.
4. Moderators should do:
(1) Be online routinely more than 4 hours / day
(2) Liven up the atmosphere of the group
(3) Understand communities members questions and reply to basic questions such as tokens distributions
(4) Forward @krypitalnews and pin its messages appropriately and daily. (Don't spam and no more than 4.)
(5) Escalate to admin if any suspicious scams or spam messages in time manners.
(6) Easing community sentiment in the group when extreme situations happen.
Online time, | ||||
activities, | Top 1-3 | 300 | 300 | |
communication skills, | Top 4-6 | 225 | 225 | |
knowledge of the project | Top 7-10 | 150 | 150 |
[2 - Tele-Group Campaign]
We welcome participants to join our Telegram Community Group Bounty if they are admins for cryptocurrency related Telegram Community Group, with a minimum of 300 members.
1. Forward @krypitalnews and pinned messages related to Soar appropriately and daily. (Don't spam) We will send you emails if we need other topics to be posted in your group, these will reward as bonus stakes and will announce if needed.
2. Participants will get basic stakes below and 500 extra stakes per week if they pin our news on the top only when at least 5 Soar related posts are posted in participant's group within a week.Please translate the pin message into local language if needed. The pinned messages must under two weeks old.
3. Participants will earn 200 extra stakes if they make 14 posts / week.
4. Promote our project and invite members to our telegram group, top 1 promoter will get a $720 valued drone as a bonus reward! Top 10 promoter will get doubled final stakes. Any admins who inv(Promoter ranking is based on the amount of people you invite to Soar Telegram group
5. Promote our project and invite members to our telegram group, top 1 promoter will get a $720 valued drone as a bonus reward! Top 10 promoter will get doubled final stakes. Anyone who invited members to Soar Telegram group will get the chance to participate in lottery and win a DRONE!(Promoter ranking is based on the amount of people you invite to Soar Telegram group
6. The admin of inactive group cannot receive the stake.
300 - 999 | 60 | |
1000 - 3999 | 150 | |
4000 - 9999 | 250 | |
10000+ | 500 |
Above all, the number of your Stakes will be displayed in this spreadsheet.
We value high quality works, so we will DOUBLE the stakes for those TOP 5% participants, Let's GO!

[1 - Facebook Campaign]
We value high quality works, so we will DOUBLE the stakes for those TOP 5% participants, Let's GO!
1: Register first
2. Follow and Like the Soar Facebook Page. Like, share, leave the comments blow our latest post.
3. Participating account must have at least 1000 friends. The number of friends must be public.
4. Participant reward rank will be determined by numbers of followers, and account activity.
a. Participants need to make at least 5 reposts and 2 original posts each week.
b. Participants can only repost posts that are under 2 weeks old.
c. Participants can NOT post more than 20 posts / shares per day(Spam) during the campaign, everything posted will be counted.
5. To make valid contents, posts must:
a. include 100 characters or more. (Post less than the valid number of words is not qualified)
b. contain hashtag #Soar
c. Include Campaign Special Link:
1000 - 2999 | 100 | |
3000 - 4499 | 200 | |
4500+ | 400 |
6. The posts must not be removed from your personal page until the end of the bounty campaign. The posts must be public.
7. Participants must be the owner of the Facebook accounts used, and must be original. Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts will not be accepted.
8. If Participants join facebook bounty, they must confirm the weekly task by posting them in our dedicated bounty thread between August 13, 2018 and September 30, 2018 CST. The report should contain links to the posts. Please see layout sample of report submission below:
BitcoinTalk User ID:
Facebook username:
Facebook URL:
Number of Facebook Friends:
Please list links of POSTS:
Please list links of REPOSTS:
The number of your Stakes is displayed in this spreadsheet.
[2 - Twitter Campaign]
1. Participants must follow us on Twitter and register
2. Participants account must be public and have at least 2,000 organic followers.
3. Your reward rank will be determined by their followers and account activity.
a. Participants need to make at least 5 retweets and 2 original tweet each week.
b. Participants MUST make at least 5 replies under official tweets and report.
c. Participants can only retweet tweets that are under 2 weeks old.
d. Participants can NOT post more than 20 irrelavant tweets/retweets per day(Spam) during the campaign
e. Participants twitter account must have at least 90% twitteraudit scores.
f. Participants MUST PIN our message to be qualified for stakes.
4.To make valid contents, posts must:
a.include 100 characters or more. (Post less than the valid number of words is not qualified)
b.contain the hashtag #Soar
c.Include Campaign Special Link:
2000 | 100 | |
6000 | 200 | |
8000 | 250 | |
10000+ | 400 |
5. Retweets must be from Soar's official Twitter account.
6. The tweets shall not be removed from Participant's personal Twitter until the end of the bounty campaign. The posts must be public.
7. If Participant joins the twitter bounty, they must confirm the weekly task by posting them in our dedicated bounty thread between Aug 13, 2018 and Sep 30, 2018 CST. The report should contain links to the posts. Please see layout sample of report submission below:
BitcoinTalk User ID:
Twitter username:
Twitter URL:
Number of Twitter Friends:
Please list links of Tweet:
Please list links of Retweet:
8. Twitter accounts must be original and owned by Participants . Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts will not be accepted.
The number of your Stakes is displayed in this spreadsheet.
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