AvailCom is announcing AirDrop Campaign
AirDrop will last until September 15 2018!
Total Token Pool For Airdrop:
8 250 000 AVL Tokens = 247,500$
There are 2 steps of the airdrop campaign.:
We have limit for participants (first 32 000 only),
Stage one 20.07.2018 - 01.08.2018 first 2000 only
Stage two 5.08.2018 - 15.09.2018 first 30000 only
You will receive 275 AVL(~8,25$) for free
AvailCom is announcing AirDrop Campaign
AirDrop will last until September 15 2018!
Total Token Pool For Airdrop:
8 250 000 AVL Tokens = 247,500$
There are 2 steps of the airdrop campaign.:
We have limit for participants (first 32 000 only),
Stage two 5.08.2018 - 15.09.2018 first 30000 only
You will receive 275 AVL(~8,25$) for free
You will receive your tokens if you followed all the conditions:
1. Join the AvailCom Telegram Channel
2. Follow our Facebook and Repost This Post
3. Follow our Twitter and retweet this Tweet
4. Fill out the form
5. Table Spreadsheets - Spreadsheets
6. Wait for the tokens to be distributed after the end of DAICO campaign.
Distribution of tokens in the BOUNTY campaign:
30% - Facebook, Twitter campaign
25% - Media campaign (Steemit, Golos, Medium, Youtube, Blogs and etc.)
10% - Bitcointalk signatures campaign
15% - Moderation and translation campaign
2.5% - reddit campaign
2.5% - linkedin campaign
15% - AirDrop
? Weeks will start on Monday (00:00 GMT) and end on Sundays (23:59 GMT)
? Using multi-accounts, cheating and spamming are not allowed. You shall be permanently banned from all campaigns.
? or All Questions About Bounty Campaign, You Can Join TELEGRAM here
Google Form Signature campaign
1. You must make at least 12 constructive posts per week, 7 of them should be about the project (not on the Bounty branch);
2. Messages with less than 75 characters will not be considered valid.
3. Stakes are counted on a weekly basis;
4. Make posts in the Alternative Crypto-Currency section (Messages in any other branch will not be counted).
5. Spammers and users with multiple profiles will be banned and disqualified;
6. Users with negative trust indicators are not allowed. Receiving a negative indicator of trust or ban during the campaign will lead to disqualification without charging any steaks;
7. Your rank must be at least Member;
8. If your rank is Full Member or higher, you can put our avatar to receive an additional 0.5 steak (the avatar must be stored until Token's sale is over).
14. The report table should look like this:
Google Form facebook
1. Subscribe to our Facebook page;
2. Your account must be public and there must be at least 300 Followers (Real)
3. Only two like / repost / post / comment per day is counted;
4. There are no minimum number of posts, but all posts must be significant.
5. Fake accounts are not accepted.
6. Terms and rules may be amended or supplemented;
7. Your posts should contain a hashtag: #AvailCom.
8. The post must contain at least 2 sentences.
9. To receive additional steaks, you can make comments under one of the project posts.
10. You must join the Telegram team to participate in the campaign.
11. Mention of bounty is strictly prohibited in any channel.
12. When a certain number of participants are reached, we will stop registering in certain campaigns.
13. All reports must be sent before Sunday.
14. The report table should look like this:

Google Form twitter
1. You must subscribe to ourTwitter.
2. The minimum number of users in your account must be at least 300.
2. Minimum 5, but not more than 2 retweet\tweet per day
4. You should note how you like the tweet that you are retweeting;
5. Fake accounts are not allowed.
6. Only 1 account is accepted.
7. The account must be older than six months.
8. Do not use the words: "ICO", "bounty", "bounty hunter", "cryptocurrency", etc.
9. Be sure to use hashtags: #AvailCom # Bitcoin #Blockchain #Token #ETH #Ethereum #TokenSale
10. All reports must be sent before Sunday.
11. The report table should look like this:

Google Form blog/article
Google Form video
1. Articles should be unique. You can use the official images, logo, graphics posted in the site, in the announcement, Facebook, and Twitter.
2. The duration of the video must be at least 2 minutes.
3. The description of the video should contain a link to the official website
4. A link to your bitcointalk profile should be added to the video description to prove your copyright.
5. Articles should be more than 2000 characters!
6. Articles should contain a link to the site:
7. Various platforms such as Medium, Newbium, and other similar ones are acceptable, but only one post on these platforms is allowed per user.
8. To prove your authorship, in the footer there should be a link to your profile in bitcointalk.
9. The report table should look like this:

1.Subscribe our Reddit Page:
2.All content must be original. Plagiarizing, copying, or translating existing content, including content published by AvailCom staff, is prohibited and will lead to disqualification.
3.You can, however, use our official images, logos, graphics, and other branding materials from our website.
4.Minimum number of posts is 2 per week, 5 comments per week.
5.Upvote at least 5 posts/comments in /r/AvailCom each week- 15 Stakes per week (you must make your votes public in user profile)
6. Make posts/comments about AvailCom in the relevant subreddits for the ICO - 10 Stakes per post/comment and we will count up to 300 comments&posts each week.
7.To make valid content, posts must contain 100 characters or more and comments should be 20 words or more to be eligible. Posts and comments with less than the valid number of words will not qualified.
8.Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. Users with multiple accounts, will be blacklisted.
Google Form reddit

Google Form linkedin
1.Follow the Official Availcom LinkedIn Page: linkedin:
2.Participant account must be public and have at least 500 authentic followers.
3.Participant reward rank will be determined by their followers and account activity.
a. Participants need to make at least 5 reposts and 1 original post each week.
b. Participants can only repost posts that are under 2 weeks old.
c. Participants can NOT post more than 20 irrelevant posts/shares per day (Spam) during the campaign.
4.The posts must not be removed from Participant's personal page until the end of the bounty campaign. The posts must be public.
5.Participants must be the owner of the LinkedIn accounts used and must be original. Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts will not be accepted.
6.The report table should look like this:

1. Join the AvailCom Telegram Channel
2. Follow our Facebook and Repost This Post
3. Follow our Twitter and retweet this Tweet
4. Fill out the form
5. Table Spreadsheets - Spreadsheets
6. Wait for the tokens to be distributed after the end of DAICO campaign.
AvailCom is a platform that will speed up the search and lease of any property, an apartment or a car, eliminate a lot of intermediate actions of the client and provide keyless access to the facility.
3% of the released AVL will be allocated to the BOUNTY program (1AVL = 0.3 $)
This is 66 000 000 AVL Tokens = 2 000 000 USD!
Payments will be made in AVL tokens.
The BOUNTY program is conducted in 3 stages:
1 Bounty stage Private sale (11,000,000 AVL) from 1/08/2018 to 15/10/2018
2 Bounty stage Pre-ICO (22,000,000 AVL) from 1/11/2018 to 15/12/2018
3 Bounty stage ICO (33,000,000 AVL) from 1.01.2019 to 15.02.2019
Payment is made after the completion of each stage of the BOUNTY program within 25 calendar days.
This is 66 000 000 AVL Tokens = 2 000 000 USD!
Payments will be made in AVL tokens.
The BOUNTY program is conducted in 3 stages:
1 Bounty stage Private sale (11,000,000 AVL) from 1/08/2018 to 15/10/2018
2 Bounty stage Pre-ICO (22,000,000 AVL) from 1/11/2018 to 15/12/2018
3 Bounty stage ICO (33,000,000 AVL) from 1.01.2019 to 15.02.2019
Payment is made after the completion of each stage of the BOUNTY program within 25 calendar days.
All reports must be sent before Sunday.
All reports must be sent before Sunday.
Distribution of tokens in the BOUNTY campaign:
30% - Facebook, Twitter campaign
25% - Media campaign (Steemit, Golos, Medium, Youtube, Blogs and etc.)
10% - Bitcointalk signatures campaign
15% - Moderation and translation campaign
2.5% - reddit campaign
2.5% - linkedin campaign
15% - AirDrop
AVAILCOM team has a right to:
Change the conditions of the BOUNTY process of carrying out the campaign. (keep for updates)
Disqualify you for flagrantly violating the terms of the BOUNTY campaign without explaining the reason.
For minor violations AVAILCOM team will warn you in a personal message in the telegram, in case of disregard disqualification.
Change the conditions of the BOUNTY process of carrying out the campaign. (keep for updates)
Disqualify you for flagrantly violating the terms of the BOUNTY campaign without explaining the reason.
For minor violations AVAILCOM team will warn you in a personal message in the telegram, in case of disregard disqualification.
General terms:
? You're are not allowed to change your Ethereum address until the campaign ends.? Weeks will start on Monday (00:00 GMT) and end on Sundays (23:59 GMT)
? Using multi-accounts, cheating and spamming are not allowed. You shall be permanently banned from all campaigns.
? or All Questions About Bounty Campaign, You Can Join TELEGRAM here

Google Form Signature campaign
1. You must make at least 12 constructive posts per week, 7 of them should be about the project (not on the Bounty branch);
2. Messages with less than 75 characters will not be considered valid.
3. Stakes are counted on a weekly basis;
4. Make posts in the Alternative Crypto-Currency section (Messages in any other branch will not be counted).
5. Spammers and users with multiple profiles will be banned and disqualified;
6. Users with negative trust indicators are not allowed. Receiving a negative indicator of trust or ban during the campaign will lead to disqualification without charging any steaks;
7. Your rank must be at least Member;
8. If your rank is Full Member or higher, you can put our avatar to receive an additional 0.5 steak (the avatar must be stored until Token's sale is over).
14. The report table should look like this:
Spreadsheet Number:
Bitcointalk account:
BitcoinTalk URL:
Links to your posts: (10 posts per week)
Bitcointalk account:
BitcoinTalk URL:
Links to your posts: (10 posts per week)
Distribution of steaks:
Member - 1 steak
Full Member - 1,5 steak
Senior Member - 2 steaks
Hero Member, Legendary - 2,5 steak
Member - 1 steak
Full Member - 1,5 steak
Senior Member - 2 steaks
Hero Member, Legendary - 2,5 steak

[center][url=] ā°āā°āā° [font=Tahoma][b][u]AvailCom[/u][/b] ā°āā°āā°āā° [b]New Generation Tenancy Of Property[/b] ā°āā°āā°[/url]
[url=] ā°āā°āā° [b]JOIN OUR BOUNTY[/url] [url=]Close Token Sale Starts [u]August 15st With 50%[/u] Discount[/b] ā°āā°āā°[/url]
ā [url=][b]Ann Thread[/b][/url] ā [url=][b]Facebook[/b][/url] ā [url=][b]Telegram[/b][/url] ā [url=][b]Twitter[/b][/url] ā
[url=] ā°āā°āā° [b]JOIN OUR BOUNTY[/url] [url=]Close Token Sale Starts [u]August 15st With 50%[/u] Discount[/b] ā°āā°āā°[/url]
ā [url=][b]Ann Thread[/b][/url] ā [url=][b]Facebook[/b][/url] ā [url=][b]Telegram[/b][/url] ā [url=][b]Twitter[/b][/url] ā
Full Member

[center][url=] [color=#9203a6]ā°āā°āā°[/color] [font=Tahoma][b][u][color=#5b03a6]AvailCom[/color][/u][/b] [color=#9203a6]ā°āā°āā°āā°[/color] [b][color=#6903a6]New[/color] [color=#7603a6]Generation[/color] [color=#8403a6]Tenancy[/color][color=#9203a6][color=#9f03a6] Of [/color][/color][color=#a6039f]Property[/color][/b] [color=#9203a6]ā°āā°āā°[/color][/url]
[url=] [color=#9203a6]ā°āā°āā°[/color] [color=#7c1099]JOIN OUR BOUNTY ā°āā°[/color][/url] [url=][color=#7c1099]Close Token Sale Starts [u][color=#c40000][b]August 15st With 50%[/b][/color][/u] Discount[/color][color=#9203a6]ā°āā°āā°[/color][/url]
[color=#6903a6]ā [/color] [url=][color=#8403a6][b]Ann Thread[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6903a6]ā[/color] [url=][color=#8403a6][b]Facebook[/b][/color][/url] ā [url=][color=#8403a6][b]Telegram[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6903a6]ā[/color] [url=][color=#8403a6][b]Twitter[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6903a6]ā [/color]
[url=] [color=#9203a6]ā°āā°āā°[/color] [color=#7c1099]JOIN OUR BOUNTY ā°āā°[/color][/url] [url=][color=#7c1099]Close Token Sale Starts [u][color=#c40000][b]August 15st With 50%[/b][/color][/u] Discount[/color][color=#9203a6]ā°āā°āā°[/color][/url]
[color=#6903a6]ā [/color] [url=][color=#8403a6][b]Ann Thread[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6903a6]ā[/color] [url=][color=#8403a6][b]Facebook[/b][/color][/url] ā [url=][color=#8403a6][b]Telegram[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6903a6]ā[/color] [url=][color=#8403a6][b]Twitter[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6903a6]ā [/color]
Sr Member

[url=][color=#641d77][size=10pt][b]Available Comfort[/b][/size][/color][/url][/center][/td][td][/td][td][center][font=arial][size=25pt][color=#641d77]|[/color][/size][/font][/center][/td][td][url=][size=3pt][color=#ecedf3].[/color][/size]
[size=13pt][color=#410aa0][b]NEW [color=#431099]GENERATION[/color] [color=#451793]TENANCY[/color] OF PROPERTY [/b][/color][/size][/url][center] [size=8pt][url=][color=#563d7f][b]Facebook[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#5f448c][b]Twitter[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#684a9a][b]Telegram[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#7151a7][b]Ann Thread[/b][/color][/url][/size][/center][/td][td][/td][td][center][font=arial][size=25pt][color=#641d77]|[/color][/size][/font][/center][/td][td][td][/td][td][size=2pt][color=#ecedf3].[/color][/size]
[url=][color=#641d77][size=10pt][b]Available Comfort[/b][/size][/color][/url][/center][/td][td][/td][td][center][font=arial][size=25pt][color=#641d77]|[/color][/size][/font][/center][/td][td][url=][size=3pt][color=#ecedf3].[/color][/size]
[size=13pt][color=#410aa0][b]NEW [color=#431099]GENERATION[/color] [color=#451793]TENANCY[/color] OF PROPERTY [/b][/color][/size][/url][center] [size=8pt][url=][color=#563d7f][b]Facebook[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#5f448c][b]Twitter[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#684a9a][b]Telegram[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#7151a7][b]Ann Thread[/b][/color][/url][/size][/center][/td][td][/td][td][center][font=arial][size=25pt][color=#641d77]|[/color][/size][/font][/center][/td][td][td][/td][td][size=2pt][color=#ecedf3].[/color][/size]
Legendary/Hero Member

[url=][color=#641d77][size=10pt][b]Available Comfort[/b][/size][/color][/url][/center][/td][td][/td][td][center][font=arial][size=25pt][color=#641d77]|[/color][/size][/font][/center][/td][td][url=][size=3pt][color=#ecedf3].[/color][/size]
[size=13pt][color=#fff][b][glow=#4003a6,2,300][color=#4003a6]-[/color]NEW[/glow][glow=#4e03a6,2,300] [color=#fff]GENERATION [/color][/glow][glow=#4e03a6,2,300][color=#fff]TENANCY[/color][/glow][glow=#3203a6,2,300] OF [/glow][glow=#2503a6,2,300]PROPERTY[color=#4003a6]-[/color][/glow][/b][/color][/size][/url][center] [size=8pt][url=][color=#fff][glow=#8403a6,2,300][b][color=#8403a6]_[/color]Facebook[/b][/glow][/color][/url][glow=#7603a6,2,300] [color=#fff]|[/color] [/glow][url=][color=#fff][glow=#6903a6,2,300][b]Twitter[/b][/glow][/color][/url][glow=#5b03a6,2,300] [color=#fff]|[/color] [/glow][url=][color=#fff][glow=#6903a6,2,300][b]Telegram[/b][/glow][/color][/url][glow=#7603a6,2,300] [color=#fff]|[/color] [/glow][url=][color=#fff][glow=#8403a6,2,300][b]Ann Thread[color=#8403a6]_[/color][/b][/glow][/color][/url][/size][/center][/td][td][/td][td][center][font=arial][size=25pt][color=#641d77]|[/color][/size][/font][/center][/td][td][td][/td][td][size=2pt][color=#ecedf3].[/color][/size]
[size=11pt][url=][color=#fff][b][glow=#ca10fb,2,300] Join Our [/glow][/b][/color][/url][/size][glow=#ca10fb,2,300] [/glow][url=] [b] [color=#fff] [glow=#ca10fb,2,300]Private[/color][glow=#ca10fb,2,300][color=#fff] Sale[/color][/glow][color=#fff][u][glow=#ca10fb,2,300] [size=12pt]50%![/size][/glow][/u][/color][/b][/url]
[size=13pt][url=][color=#4003a6][b]BOUNTY[/b][/color][/url][/size] [url=] [color=#684a9a][b]Starts[/b][/color][color=#7b5bb0] [b]August[/b][/color] [color=#e21d1d][b] [u]15st[/u][/b][/color][/url]
[url=][color=#641d77][size=10pt][b]Available Comfort[/b][/size][/color][/url][/center][/td][td][/td][td][center][font=arial][size=25pt][color=#641d77]|[/color][/size][/font][/center][/td][td][url=][size=3pt][color=#ecedf3].[/color][/size]
[size=13pt][color=#fff][b][glow=#4003a6,2,300][color=#4003a6]-[/color]NEW[/glow][glow=#4e03a6,2,300] [color=#fff]GENERATION [/color][/glow][glow=#4e03a6,2,300][color=#fff]TENANCY[/color][/glow][glow=#3203a6,2,300] OF [/glow][glow=#2503a6,2,300]PROPERTY[color=#4003a6]-[/color][/glow][/b][/color][/size][/url][center] [size=8pt][url=][color=#fff][glow=#8403a6,2,300][b][color=#8403a6]_[/color]Facebook[/b][/glow][/color][/url][glow=#7603a6,2,300] [color=#fff]|[/color] [/glow][url=][color=#fff][glow=#6903a6,2,300][b]Twitter[/b][/glow][/color][/url][glow=#5b03a6,2,300] [color=#fff]|[/color] [/glow][url=][color=#fff][glow=#6903a6,2,300][b]Telegram[/b][/glow][/color][/url][glow=#7603a6,2,300] [color=#fff]|[/color] [/glow][url=][color=#fff][glow=#8403a6,2,300][b]Ann Thread[color=#8403a6]_[/color][/b][/glow][/color][/url][/size][/center][/td][td][/td][td][center][font=arial][size=25pt][color=#641d77]|[/color][/size][/font][/center][/td][td][td][/td][td][size=2pt][color=#ecedf3].[/color][/size]
[size=11pt][url=][color=#fff][b][glow=#ca10fb,2,300] Join Our [/glow][/b][/color][/url][/size][glow=#ca10fb,2,300] [/glow][url=] [b] [color=#fff] [glow=#ca10fb,2,300]Private[/color][glow=#ca10fb,2,300][color=#fff] Sale[/color][/glow][color=#fff][u][glow=#ca10fb,2,300] [size=12pt]50%![/size][/glow][/u][/color][/b][/url]
[size=13pt][url=][color=#4003a6][b]BOUNTY[/b][/color][/url][/size] [url=] [color=#684a9a][b]Starts[/b][/color][color=#7b5bb0] [b]August[/b][/color] [color=#e21d1d][b] [u]15st[/u][/b][/color][/url]

he number of steaks depends on the number of friends inFacebook:
300-500 friends
Repost / Post - 1 Steak
Commentary - 5 steaks
501-1000 friends
Repost / Post - 2 steaks
Commentary - 5 steaks
1000+ friends
Repost / Post - 4 steaks
Commentary - 5 steaks
300-500 friends
Repost / Post - 1 Steak
Commentary - 5 steaks
501-1000 friends
Repost / Post - 2 steaks
Commentary - 5 steaks
1000+ friends
Repost / Post - 4 steaks
Commentary - 5 steaks
Google Form facebook
1. Subscribe to our Facebook page;
2. Your account must be public and there must be at least 300 Followers (Real)
3. Only two like / repost / post / comment per day is counted;
4. There are no minimum number of posts, but all posts must be significant.
5. Fake accounts are not accepted.
6. Terms and rules may be amended or supplemented;
7. Your posts should contain a hashtag: #AvailCom.
8. The post must contain at least 2 sentences.
9. To receive additional steaks, you can make comments under one of the project posts.
10. You must join the Telegram team to participate in the campaign.
11. Mention of bounty is strictly prohibited in any channel.
12. When a certain number of participants are reached, we will stop registering in certain campaigns.
13. All reports must be sent before Sunday.
14. The report table should look like this:
Facebook account:
Facebook URL:
ETH Address:
Link to your post
1. (date) = Post
2. (date) = Post
3. (date) = Post
4. (date) = Post
5. (date) = Post
Link to your RePost
1. (date) = RePost
2. (date) = RePost
3. (date) = RePost
4. (date) = RePost
5. (date) = RePost
Facebook account:
Facebook URL:
ETH Address:
Link to your post
1. (date) = Post
2. (date) = Post
3. (date) = Post
4. (date) = Post
5. (date) = Post
Link to your RePost
1. (date) = RePost
2. (date) = RePost
3. (date) = RePost
4. (date) = RePost
5. (date) = RePost

300+ followers: 1 stake/week.
850+ followers: 2 stakes/ week.
1800+ followers: 5 stakes/ week.
10.000+ followers: 10 stakes/ week.
850+ followers: 2 stakes/ week.
1800+ followers: 5 stakes/ week.
10.000+ followers: 10 stakes/ week.
50-749 subscribers: 2 steaks for retweet
3 steaks for writing a tweet about us using the @ComAvail link and the following hashtags #AVL #AvailCom #AVLtoken #availcar #availrent #availauto #blockchain #blockchaintechnology #Bitcoin #Ethereum with reference to
750-1499 subscribers: 4 steaks for retweet
6 steaks for writing a tweet about us using the @ComAvail link and the following hashtags #AVL #AvailCom #AVLtoken #availcar #availrent #availauto #blockchain #blockchaintechnology #Bitcoin #Ethereum with reference to
1500-9999 subscribers: 6 steaks for retweet
10 steaks for writing a tweet about us using the @ComAvail link and the following hashtags #AVL #AvailCom #AVLtoken #availcar #availrent #availauto #blockchain #blockchaintechnology #Bitcoin #Ethereum with reference to
10.000+ subscribers: 8 steaks per retweet
12 steaks for writing a tweet about us using the @ComAvail link and the following hashtags #AVL #AvailCom #AVLtoken #availcar #availrent #availauto #blockchain #blockchaintechnology #Bitcoin #Ethereum with reference to
The maximum number of participants is 600.3 steaks for writing a tweet about us using the @ComAvail link and the following hashtags #AVL #AvailCom #AVLtoken #availcar #availrent #availauto #blockchain #blockchaintechnology #Bitcoin #Ethereum with reference to
750-1499 subscribers: 4 steaks for retweet
6 steaks for writing a tweet about us using the @ComAvail link and the following hashtags #AVL #AvailCom #AVLtoken #availcar #availrent #availauto #blockchain #blockchaintechnology #Bitcoin #Ethereum with reference to
1500-9999 subscribers: 6 steaks for retweet
10 steaks for writing a tweet about us using the @ComAvail link and the following hashtags #AVL #AvailCom #AVLtoken #availcar #availrent #availauto #blockchain #blockchaintechnology #Bitcoin #Ethereum with reference to
10.000+ subscribers: 8 steaks per retweet
12 steaks for writing a tweet about us using the @ComAvail link and the following hashtags #AVL #AvailCom #AVLtoken #availcar #availrent #availauto #blockchain #blockchaintechnology #Bitcoin #Ethereum with reference to
Google Form twitter
1. You must subscribe to ourTwitter.
2. The minimum number of users in your account must be at least 300.
2. Minimum 5, but not more than 2 retweet\tweet per day
4. You should note how you like the tweet that you are retweeting;
5. Fake accounts are not allowed.
6. Only 1 account is accepted.
7. The account must be older than six months.
8. Do not use the words: "ICO", "bounty", "bounty hunter", "cryptocurrency", etc.
9. Be sure to use hashtags: #AvailCom # Bitcoin #Blockchain #Token #ETH #Ethereum #TokenSale
10. All reports must be sent before Sunday.
11. The report table should look like this:
*Spreadsheet Number:*
Twitter Account:
Twitter URL:
ETH Address:
Link to your post:
1. (date) = Tweet
2. (date) = Tweet
3. (date) = Tweet
4. (date) = Tweet
5. (date) = Tweet
Link to your retweet:
1. (date) = retweet
2. (date) = retweet
3. (date) = retweet
4. (date) = retweet
5. (date) = retweet
Twitter Account:
Twitter URL:
ETH Address:
Link to your post:
1. (date) = Tweet
2. (date) = Tweet
3. (date) = Tweet
4. (date) = Tweet
5. (date) = Tweet
Link to your retweet:
1. (date) = retweet
2. (date) = retweet
3. (date) = retweet
4. (date) = retweet
5. (date) = retweet

ā¢ video/article of good quality ~ 5000 characters: 100 Stakes
ā¢ video/article of average quality ~ 3500 characters: 70 Stakes
ā¢ video/article of normal quality ~ 2000 characters: 40 Stakes
ā¢ video/article of good quality ~ 5000 characters: 100 Stakes
ā¢ video/article of average quality ~ 3500 characters: 70 Stakes
ā¢ video/article of normal quality ~ 2000 characters: 40 Stakes
Google Form blog/article
Google Form video
1. Articles should be unique. You can use the official images, logo, graphics posted in the site, in the announcement, Facebook, and Twitter.
2. The duration of the video must be at least 2 minutes.
3. The description of the video should contain a link to the official website
4. A link to your bitcointalk profile should be added to the video description to prove your copyright.
5. Articles should be more than 2000 characters!
6. Articles should contain a link to the site:
7. Various platforms such as Medium, Newbium, and other similar ones are acceptable, but only one post on these platforms is allowed per user.
8. To prove your authorship, in the footer there should be a link to your profile in bitcointalk.
9. The report table should look like this:
Bitcointalk account:
Bitcointalk URL:
Link to Blog / Video:
Eth Address
Bitcointalk account:
Bitcointalk URL:
Link to Blog / Video:
Eth Address

1.Subscribe our Reddit Page:
2.All content must be original. Plagiarizing, copying, or translating existing content, including content published by AvailCom staff, is prohibited and will lead to disqualification.
3.You can, however, use our official images, logos, graphics, and other branding materials from our website.
4.Minimum number of posts is 2 per week, 5 comments per week.
5.Upvote at least 5 posts/comments in /r/AvailCom each week- 15 Stakes per week (you must make your votes public in user profile)
6. Make posts/comments about AvailCom in the relevant subreddits for the ICO - 10 Stakes per post/comment and we will count up to 300 comments&posts each week.
7.To make valid content, posts must contain 100 characters or more and comments should be 20 words or more to be eligible. Posts and comments with less than the valid number of words will not qualified.
8.Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. Users with multiple accounts, will be blacklisted.
Google Form reddit

500 - 1999 followers ---------------- 2 stake/week
2000 - 4999 followers --------------- 5 stake/week.
5000 - 7999 followers-----------------8 stake/week.
8000 + followers---------------------15 stake/week
2000 - 4999 followers --------------- 5 stake/week.
5000 - 7999 followers-----------------8 stake/week.
8000 + followers---------------------15 stake/week
Google Form linkedin
1.Follow the Official Availcom LinkedIn Page: linkedin:
2.Participant account must be public and have at least 500 authentic followers.
3.Participant reward rank will be determined by their followers and account activity.
a. Participants need to make at least 5 reposts and 1 original post each week.
b. Participants can only repost posts that are under 2 weeks old.
c. Participants can NOT post more than 20 irrelevant posts/shares per day (Spam) during the campaign.
4.The posts must not be removed from Participant's personal page until the end of the bounty campaign. The posts must be public.
5.Participants must be the owner of the LinkedIn accounts used and must be original. Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts will not be accepted.
6.The report table should look like this:
linkedin account:
linkedin URL:
ETH Address:
Link to your post
1. (date) = Post
2. (date) = Post
3. (date) = Post
4. (date) = Post
5. (date) = Post
Link to your RePost
1. (date) = RePost
2. (date) = RePost
3. (date) = RePost
4. (date) = RePost
5. (date) = RePost
linkedin account:
linkedin URL:
ETH Address:
Link to your post
1. (date) = Post
2. (date) = Post
3. (date) = Post
4. (date) = Post
5. (date) = Post
Link to your RePost
1. (date) = RePost
2. (date) = RePost
3. (date) = RePost
4. (date) = RePost
5. (date) = RePost

Translation of our website 200 steaks
For translation of white paper 350 steaks
For the transfer of ANN and Bounty you will receive 100 steaks, and for moderation, you will get 10 steaks out of the office (Minimum rank is Copper Member or Full Member)
Creation and management of the channel in the telegram of 500 steaks per month before the end of the ICO should be a minimum of 200 participants (in the channel there should be activity)
The conditions are discussed individually in our group of telegrams.Telegram.
Translation of our website 200 steaks
For translation of white paper 350 steaks
For the transfer of ANN and Bounty you will receive 100 steaks, and for moderation, you will get 10 steaks out of the office (Minimum rank is Copper Member or Full Member)
Creation and management of the channel in the telegram of 500 steaks per month before the end of the ICO should be a minimum of 200 participants (in the channel there should be activity)
The conditions are discussed individually in our group of telegrams.Telegram.
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